INRAE collaborations

INRAE collaborations

UMR BDR collaborates with several units in the Animal Physiology and Breeding Systems and AlimH departments to develop collaborative projects:

  • The laboratories most concerned are
    • UMR0866 DMEM Muscular Dynamics and Metabolism, Montpellier
    • UMR1388 GenPhySE Genetics, Physiology and Breeding Systems, Castanet-Tolosan
    • UR1037 LPGP Fish Physiology and Genomics Laboratory, Rennes
    • UMR1348 Pegase, Rennes
    • UMR85 PRC Physiology of Reproduction and Behavior, Nouzilly
    • USC1361 CSC Stem Cell and Brain, Bron
    • UMR 1280, Institute of Digestive Tract Diseases, Nantes

BREED has also established collaborations on the Jouy-en-Josas campus, through scientific projects mainly with the Animal Genetics and Integrative Biology research unit (GABI), the Neurobiology of Olfaction research unit (NBO), the Mathematics and Computer Science applied to the genome and environment research unit (MaIAGE), and the Microbiology of Food for Human Health research unit (MICALIS).

It benefits from various platforms on the site, in particular MIMA2 - Microscopy and Imaging of Microorganisms, Animals and Foods, @bridge - Animal Biological Resources for Integrated and Digital Genomics, PAPPSO - Plateforme d'Analyse Protéomique de Paris Sud-Ouest and MIGALE - Plateforme de Bioinformatique.

Conversely, it opens up its technical platforms to the wider community.

To carry out its projects, UMR BREED calls on several experimental units to conduct experiments on rodents (IERP, Jouy), rabbits (UCEA, Jouy), cattle (UCEA Bressonvilliers, PAO Nouzilly, IE de production laitière Méjussaume, domaine expérimental du Pin), sheep, goat, pig (UE de Bourges, unité expérimentale porcine rennaise), and horse (PAO Nouzilly and IFCE, Station Expérimentale de la Valade, Chamberet).

Sigenae, UR875 Biométrie et Intelligence Artificielle, Castanet-Tolosan, provides support for bioinformatics analysis of the various datasets (RNAseq, Chipseq, RRBS, etc.) produced by the unit's various projects.

Modification date: 13 February 2024 | Publication date: 22 April 2016 | By: Laurent M.